Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Your Chances of Surviving Cancer

Understanding cancer is difficult, if we begin to see cancer from the inside. Cancer begins in cells, and cells can be removed from the volume and grow in other parts of the body known as secondary tumors. Tumor cells in the abnormal and divide without control or order. And they can invade and destroy nearby tissue and organs. Cell grows by dividing the two, so the cell and the one-two, two become four (new cells are called cells), etc.. Usually, there's very strict rules about when a cell can be improved or not.

No benign tumor cell proliferation in other parts of the body. Most important, benign tumors are rarely life threatening. Tues lack of oxygen and die away, and this is the reason that some types of cancer have a smell. The scope of this new blood vessel growth and blood vessel formation.

Obviously, as you probably already know, cancer and malignant neoplasms. These tumors contain cells grow and divide without order. They could become a malignant tumor (cancer) spreads to nearby tissue or organ or other body parts. This is called metastasis. Malignant tumors and tumors that can spread by invasion and metastasis. By definition, the term "cancer" applies only to instruments tumors.Malignant malignant disease, if untreated, can develop and cause death. Malignant tumors and cancer. Can attack cancer cells, and injured tissues and organs near the tumor. May invade the network and malicious damage to other tissues and organs. That cancer cells can escape from the volume and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system and spread of cancer to other body parts.

Dangerous part is that malignant tumors metastasized to other organs, and development without limits.

This is probably the other hand, benign tumors are often removed by surgery, and unlikely to return. Some testicular tumors are benign, but most are not. Benign tumors are usually not life threatening. Polyps, and although it can cause several health problems, depending on the size and location do not, life-threatening.

Benign (not cancerous) tumors can develop anywhere in your mouth. well differentiated benign tumor --- In other words, they are slightly different in appearance and behavior from the network. These tumors grow slowly and non-invasive, does not spread throughout the body, often the connective tissue capsule around them.

Associated with cancer treatment to the usual behavior. For Regional aggressive cancer (the first), and treatment such as surgery, local radiation therapy, photodynamic therapy can be used. Treatment depends on the type of treatment for patients when first admitted. If the patient had surgery alone, patients may be a second surgery or radiotherapy.

Treatment with radiation to destroy cancer cells by targeting the loss of high energy X-rays on the network. Radiation therapy is usually painful and there is no other than the patient. Radiation is a special kind of energy carried by waves or a stream of particles from radioactive materials and delivered by special machines. such radioactive x-rays or gamma rays to penetrate cell walls and damage the cell nucleus, which inhibits cell growth and division.

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